Eva García Sáenz de Urturi
Eva García Sáenz de Urturi ©Sole Hafner
©Sole Hafner

Eva García Sáenz de Urturi

Eva García Sáenz de Urturi was born in Vitoria in 1972 and has lived in Alicante since she was fifteen. She graduated in Optics and Optometry and spent ten years in various managerial roles in the optics sector. She currently works at the Universidad de Alicante, and gives classes and courses over social networks.

Her first novel, La saga de los longevos, was self-published on Amazon and then released successfully by a publisher, becoming a hit on social networks through word of mouth alone. Pasaje a Tahití was her second novel. In 2016, she published El silencio de la ciudad blanca (The Silence of the White City), the first volume of her Trilogy of the White City, that soon became the literary surprise of the year with 180K copies sold and a movie underway. The second volume, Los ritos del agua (The Rites of Water) was released in 2017, and the third, Los señores del tiempo (The Lords of Time) in 2018.