My Season in Hell
Original title: La meva temporada a l'infern
Gerard Guix

My Season in Hell

Original title: La meva temporada a l'infern

Gerard Guix


A spiral of facts and emotions that will shake us and show us the dark part of a village and some seemingly normal villagers...

13 years ago, in a mountain village where nothing ever happens, a teenager died in a truculent hunting accident. In this same village, now, my mother has disappeared in strange circumstances. The two events, in their own way, are connected and related and upset this seemingly idyllic place: the death of the teenager who has become the black legend of the village, which frightens children and worries adults; the disappearance of the mother is a palpable threat, which arouses the murkiest feelings of the villagers.

My name is Ricard. Ricky for friends. Rick for mom. This story is that of the losing side, made up of people like you who one day found themselves in an unforeseen, unintended situation, with alarm and surprise, and takes place during the most confusing week, the saddest days, the hours darkest of my life.

First loves, disappearances, deaths, doubts, double lives ... all this and much more takes place on October 13, 2021, a place where nothing ever happens…apparently. What does that village and its villagers hide? A novel that goes in crescendo and that dominates the tension of masterful way.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 320 pages | ISBN: 978-84-18327-67-4 | Imprint: Fanbooks