I'll Do Anything You Want
Original title: Faré tot el que tu vulguis

I'll Do Anything You Want

Original title: Faré tot el que tu vulguis

Nora, a forty-year-old married woman with a secret, meets a young biologist named Nacho on an airplane and is unfaithful to her husband for the first time. That initial encounter leads to a game of dependence and passion that Nora will convert into paintings for her next exhibition.

From then on, Nora begins an extreme relationship which will open her eyes to physical love and sensuality as she never had experienced before.

I’ll Do Anything You Want is a novel about the transformation of a woman who was emotionally blocked by an apparently traumatic childhood and a conventional marriage; and who discovers, through an affair and a descent into the world of high-class prostitution, the liberating force of love and desire.


Faré tot el que tu vulguis videos

Highlights I'll Do Anything You Want


“There is nothing more deceptive than falling in love. And even more so when you fall in love for the first time at forty.”

Technical data

Publishing date: | 200 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-1803-4 | Imprint: Columna Edicions