Liberty or Death
Original title: Lliures o morts

Liberty or Death

Original title: Lliures o morts

Ermengol Amill (1665-1732) leaves his hometown of Pallars and involuntarily becomes a mountain rifleman in the War of the Spanish Succession. Europe is a vast playing board in a game of interests to define the future of the Old Continent, and Catalonia becomes a key piece. This forgottenhero fights against the Bourbons to the final consequences. The struggle for liberty or death is one of the most formidable, and least known, adventures in the history of Catalonia.

Highlights Liberty or Death


An entertaining historical novel in eighteenth-century Europe.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 464 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-1626-9 | Imprint: Columna Edicions