A Circus in the Yard
Original title: Un circ al pati de casa

A Circus in the Yard

Original title: Un circ al pati de casa

This book gathers together the best stories by Bardera (both published and unpublished), a young writer on the margins of the publishing system. His writing is ideal for readers who miss the irreverence of Quim Monzó, the imagination of Pere Calders, the rage of Víctor Català, and the sarcasm of Salvador Espriu. An absolutely explosive, distinctive, and unique book.

Highlights A Circus in the Yard


Damià Bardera revives in his writing the wild and mordant spirit of Salvador Dalí and recollects the early work of Quim Monzó Albert Pla.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 160 pages | ISBN: 978-84-17016-73-9 | Imprint: Editorial Empúries